Agreement to Participate in
Development of a Multimedia Educational Prototype On The Place Names of Hanauma Bay
Elizabeth Kumabe Maynard, Primary Investigator
(808) 956-2860
This research project is being conducted as part of a thesis project for a master’s degree. The purpose of this instructional design project is to develop and evaluate a multimedia module prototype on the cultural history of place names of Hanauma Bay.  Your participation in this module will help to determine the effectiveness of the module and provide feedback to improve the module.

Participating in this project will consist of completing a web-based module, a demographic and an attitudinal survey. The demographic survey will include questions such as age range, gender, and prior computer experience.  The attitudinal survey, conducted at the end of the module will include questions such as the effectiveness of the web-based module and its multimedia components, the design components and opinion on the future use of the module. All surveys and tests will be conducted via the Internet using Google Forms and all results will remain anonymous.  Reviewing the module including taking the surveys will take approximately 20-30 minutes. 

No personal identifying information will be asked by the investigator at anytime throughout this project. The investigator believes there is little or no risk to participating in this research project. Because this research is designed to test the effectiveness of the module, no prior knowledge of the topic is expected of the participant.

Participating in this research may have a direct benefit to you. The module provides locally relevant place-based knowledge and images in an electronic resource and may provide suggestions to environmental resource educators as they begin to develop their own virtual methods to share their special places. By adding a multimedia component, institutions will have another means of providing information on this topic. As a participant, with investigator’s consent, you may utilize any portion of the web-based information for your personal use.

Research data will be confidential to the extent allowed by law. Agencies with research oversight, such as the UH Committee on Human Studies, have the authority to review research data. All research records will be stored in a locked file in the primary investigators’ office for the duration of the research project. All other research records will be destroyed upon completion of the project.

Participation in this research project is completely voluntary. You are free to withdraw from participation at any time during the duration of the project with no penalty, or loss of benefit to which you would otherwise be entitled.

If you choose to participate, feel free to print this consent form for your records.

If you have any questions regarding this research project, please contact the researcher, Elizabeth Kumabe Maynard at (808) 956-2860 or [email protected].

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant, please contact the UH Committee on Human Studies at (808)956-5007, or [email protected]
Completing review of the online module and surveys indicates that you have read and understand the above information and agree to participate in this research project.